Crowns are full-coverage restorations used to cover a tooth that is weak and likely to break without reinforcement. Crowns help to strengthen heavily restored teeth to prevent fracture, reinforce root canal treated and heavily worn teeth, and improve the appearance of significantly discolored or fractured teeth.
Visit 1
At your first appointment, we will administer local anesthesia and prepare the tooth (1.5 to 2mm) to create room for a porcelain crown. Next, we will scan the tooth to create a 3D model so that our collaborating ceramist can create a crown that feels and looks like your natural tooth. In the interim, we will create and cement a temporary crown until your next visit. Please avoid eating crunchy and sticky foods during this phase so your temporary crown stays in place. If it comes off, please call us as soon as possible so it can be recemented.
Visit 2
At your next visit, we will remove your temporary crown and insert the porcelain crown. We will evaluate its fit and esthetics, and confirm seating with an xray. Your crown will be luted into place and any final bite adjustments will be made.
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